Sunday, June 10, 2012

My New Business Cards...

I had these made at the SocPhotoStore website, and they came today! I plan to walk around, handing them out whenever appropriate- to someone holding a door, to cash register people, short skirts, etc...

The idea is that they'll turn it over, and out of curiosity go to the site. Make your own if you like the idea!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Updates 6/10/2012

I added THIS BLOG so that I could list what updates I make without having to get email addresses and send out updates.

I DO NOT want to collect emails for because I don't want there to be any reason that someone wouldn't send someone there. I am also not interested in telling people about a new book, new affiliate program, or anything other than the Challenge and SendOutCards.

Today SendOutCards made a new promo video for The Challenge, and I was toying with making it the intro video, but instead I added it to the Testimonials page.

I added a link to this blog in the gratitude worksheets.